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Lugol’s Iodine 5% 2 oz


A century ago, iodine was called the universal medicine, and was used to treat a wide variety of conditions and ailments. Pressure from pharmaceutical companies and other commercial interests has led to the deliberate discrediting of iodine as a supplement. Few people get enough iodine for optimal or even good health.


Lugol’s iodine. In 1829 Jean Lugol developed an iodine solution that carries his name. It was in widespread use until the 1940’s and 1950’s, and many doctors successfully used it as a universal medicine. By 1950 doctors had been taught to prescribe a variety of pharmaceutical drugs rather than the very cheap Lugol’s solution, and there was an active campaign to discredit iodine because of its severe impact on pharmaceutical profits.

Iodine benefits include:
• Synthesize thyroid hormones and prevents both hypo- and hyperthyroidism. It protects the thyroid. • Can reverse hypo- and hyperthyroidism
• Activates hormone receptors and helps prevent cancer
• Aids in metabolism and energy levels
• Helps fibrocystic breast disease
• Decreases insulin needs in diabetics
• Supports protein synthesis
• Facilitates Apoptosis
• Destroys pathogens, molds, fungi, parasites, and malaria
• Supports immune function
• Eliminates toxics from the body
• Regulates estrogen production in the ovaries
• Improves cognitive abilities
• Prevents heart disease

Lugol’s Iodine

  • INGREDIENTS: 5% Iodine crystals (99.8%+) and 10% Potassium Iodide (USP Grade) in distilled water.

    SUGGESTED USE: Can be combined with a carrier oil or applied directly on skin. Iodine is water soluble & does not build to dangerous levels in the body, excess iodine is urinated OR defecated out.

    For water purification, use 1-5 drops of 5% iodine per liter of water depending on how contaminated the water appears to be and wait 30 minutes @ 50 degrees Fahrenheit for the iodine to work. Can be added to tap water before drinking to allow the body to remove toxic halogens and heavy metals.

    Refer to Dr. Brownstein for additional information on iodine. Make sure yout taking co-factors with your iodine regime so you don't experience de-tox symptoms. Use the online dropulator, a handy tool for calculating iodine dosage.