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This PowerPoint presentation takes a look at Art History: The Triptych. It focuses on Renaissance era triptych's and takes a closer look at Hieronymus Bosch's "The Garden of Earthly Delights". ***Because some art analysis puts his work as explicit, I have purposely NOT included any of that in this presentation so that it is appropriate for school students. Almost all slides include text to describe the Triptych's that are viewed, gives Triptych work background, etc. 12 of the 25 slides are dedicated to looking at the mysteries/hidden messages in "The Garden of Earthly Delights"


On a personal Note: I use this to introduce Triptych's while I teach Renaissance/Baroque Art History. I often have them make their own and have included requirements such as: figure drawing, reference to Renaissance/Baroque time period, collage work, multi mediums, stained glass, etc. in their 3D Triptychs started from a stand up cardboard frame.

Art History: The Triptych & Bosch's "The Garden of Earthly Delights" PowerPoint

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