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Let's be an art detective! — Let's try and put these art history paintings of still life into sequential order of time. 8 pieces, students need to put them in order. Students need to use their skills and knowledge to figure these out. Great for discussion. Great as bell ringer for a still life unit. Teacher's brief notes and answers included as well as enlarged images (with artist date and info) for print or digital display.


Still Life Compare and Contrast — This allows you to choose 2 still life art history paintings by famous artists or periods and have students compare and contrast them. Also includes an analysis page for a single work of still life. Each asks students to sketch out the works they are viewing. I always intro with these steps before we begin our still life drawing and painting unit. 3 compare and contrast still life painting worksheets that ask specific questions. Includes Van Gogh & Monet, Cezanne & Braque, and Picasso & Erbe. As most questions become obvious answers, there is a teacher fact page included to give more guidance and deeper direction.


The History of the Still Life in Art — Let's take a look at still life since the beginning of art history. This covers the definition, history, and more. 2 pages of notes with some of the most memorable still life paintings and 2 pages of symbolism in still life painting. 24 enlarged images included for print or digital display. I use this as an introduction to still life drawing and painting. Students always find the symbolism intriguing so I tend to present the painting first and see if they can guess before telling them about it. This goes well with our other resources on still life.

Art History Famous STILL LIFE Analysis Compare Contrast Timeline Lesson BUNDLE

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