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Colored Pencil Blending, Shading, Value 

Set #2 — Great warm up sheets, intro to colored pencil, etc. Complimentary to our Colored Pencil Technique sheets. First sheets has students blending a full spectrum, individual colors and spheres using the same color combos. Next sheet is a woven/weave where they choose the colors (or you can have them use complimentary, analogous, etc.) and they use darker and lighter colors of what they just practiced to give the illusion of 3D and practice shading.


Set #1 Our Original and Favorited Set — Colored Pencil techniques, shading, intensity, value and more! 4 worksheets to get students practicing. Great for introducing a new technique, brush up, sub plan, bell ringer, etc. I work these into whatever my current project is to have kids purposeful in how they use their mediums — definitely gets students a step above scribbling!

Art Drawing Colored Pencil Technique Skill Build Blending Shading Value Practice

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