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Ansel Adams use of The Golden Ratio

Ansel Adams is one of the greatest photographers of the 20th century. The presence of the golden ratio is evident in his compositions. Using Adams photographs, students see how widely he used the ratio. 


This worksheet explains what the Golden Ratio is and why it's helpful to use. It compares it to use in famous paintings. It also discusses the origin of the Fibonacci Spiral. Students practice identifying the use of Fibonacci Spiral in these photographs of Ansel Adams. They draw the Golden Ratio spiral on top of each image in its' appropriate position.


Teacher answer sheet included.


On a Personal Note: I use this worksheet in conjunction with a video introducing Ansel Adam's photography. It helps to round out his amazing work. I have students practice their own Golden Ratios in their own photography challenge as they continue to identify this skill.


Art Photography Worksheet Ansel Adams & The Golden Ratio Rule/Fibonacci Spiral

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