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Famous Children's Book's Illustrators:


While many things change, the popularity of children’s picture books have survived the generations, admired by young and old alike. Now, we may know the characters, but do we know their creators? Pictures are wonderful things, as they have the ability to take the young and young-at-heart on a visual journey. Children’s books would not be the same without illustrations, as they help foster a child’s imagination and help them better understand the story they might yet be able to read.


Students get to try and remember their most beloved books from their childhood, matching the illustrator and the book.


Teacher's Notes includes interesting facts about each illustrator. Enlarged sample included for each (12 total) along with answer key. 16 pages total.


Great for introduction, lesson, sub plan, etc. 


I use this to introduce my art lesson on tunnel/picture books where I have students illustrate their own children's book.

Art History: Famous Children's Book Illustrators Artists Worksheet Presentation

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