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Amate Bark Painting — Part of our Art Around the World unit, we had a great time in South American art. We have done this with all grades 1-12, increasiny the requirements with older levels and expecting a higher level of quality and detail. Younger children can delight in simple designs and all of them come out stunning. 


This features central Mexico area and the cutlural Amate Bark Painting. Students will explore this fascinating Mexican folk art. Using their observations of the art form, students will crumple paper to give it a bark-like texture, and paint their own painting onto it in the same bold and bright colors as used by Mexican artisans of Amate. Includes 22 pages:


  • History and facts about that Amate
  • Pictures of the process which is explained on page 1
  • 2 pages of small examples and each is enlarged later in the document for digital display or print (19 enlarged, 13 pages)
  • page of teacher questions for students to get discussion going and observation of amate design
  • lesson idea with step-by-step instructions and pictures
  • 3 pages of pattern/template design ideas

Art Drawing History South America Mexico AMATE Bark Painting Bundle

  • pdf