Pine Pollen Powder 2 oz
Wild High Quality Harvested Shell-broken Pine Pollen Powder
INGREDIENTS: Organic Pine Pollen
Hope Creek products are handmade in small batches. Our research has led us to only carry organic, non- gmo, tested and true products that contain no fillers, synthetics, etc. for an optimal, natural health benefit.
The information found here is intended for educational purposes only. Our intention is to encourage the reader to think, and to question current medical practices and other aspects of our modern way of living. We do not offer medical advice or diagnosis, or prescribe the use or discontinuance of any remedy or treatment, directly or indirectly, without the knowledge and cooperation of a health professional. Sick people, and/or those with chronic or persistent conditions should seek the advice of a health professional. What you read here is not a substitute for professional medical diagnosis or treatment. The author, publisher, distributor, and any of their agents or employees disclaim all responsibility or liability in connection with the accuracy of and use of the information and suggestions in this website.