Ozark Mountain Pine Needle Tea 2oz
Pine Needle Tea has health benefits for:• Anti-inflammatory
• Pain Relieving
• Antimicrobial and anti-fungal
• Decongestant
• Expectorant
• Great source of wholefood Vitamin C
• Decongestant of the lymphatic system
• Anti-parasitical
Pine Needle tea is rich in polyphenols and contain flavonoids. These may aid memory, alleviate anxiety, and help depression. It also contains antioxidants which helps the body deal with oxidative stress which can affece proteisn and DNA.
When steeped in hot water, the needles readilty release shikimic acid, which is antiviral. Shikimic acid offers antiplatelet-aggregating activity, meaning it helps halt blood clots. It may also help aid spike protein transmission.
Suramin has inhibitory effects against components of the coagulation cascade and against the inappropriate replication and modification of RNA and DNA. Excessive coagulation causes blood clots, mini-clots, strokes, and unusually heavy menstrual cycles.
The Journal of Medical Virology shows shikimic acid in combo with quercetin, even at low doses, are the most effective to modulate innate immunity in antiviral terms.
Ozark Mountain Pine Needle Tea
INGREDIENTS: Hand Harvested Arkansas Southern Pine from the Ozark Mountains, no fillers, no preservatives or pesticides
Note: Pregnant women are advised to avoid spruce and pine tea.